Silicon Nitride (Si3N4)
Crystal structure: hexagonal (amorphous for most VLSI applications)
Atomic Weight 140.28
Thermal Conductivity 16-33 W/m-K
Thermal diffusivity .32 cm**2/s
Relative Dielectric Constant 7.5
Index of Refraction 2.0
Dielectric Constant F/m
Electrical Resistivity > 10e12 ohm-meter
Breakdown field V/m
Atomic Density 1.48e22 molecules/cm**3
Density 3.44 g/cm**3
Coefficient of Thermal Linear Expansion 2.8e-6 to 3.6e-6 /K
Energy Gap 4.7 eV
Specific Heat .17 J/g-K
Melting point ~1900 C
Young's Modulus 304 GPa
Poisson's Ratio .24
Koop Hardness 2200
Modulus of Rupture 414-580 MPa